Thursday, July 16, 2020

Intro: Beckie, the Hot Mess Mom of 3

I used to teach Drama at an all-girls high school. My favorite commentary was:
"That practically teaches itself!"

What I didn't know at the time was that it would prepare me well for my own dramatic kids.

Wolf is headstrong, clever, and determined. She has a number of issues - SPD, Anxiety, ADD, and God only knows what else. My favorite story of her was when she got dressed in a princess outfit for school picture day, complete with a parasol. I told her, "You can't wear that to school."

So she changed into normal clothes, put it in her backpack, and changed back into it at school. She had never smiled so genuinely for a school picture, all because she knew she had outwitted me.

Sloth is a flower child, through and through. She is gentle, empathetic, and cries over bug squishing. I like to say she will be the future Jane Goodall of butterflies. She is a classic middle child - so her paragraph will be the shortest. 😜

Monkey is a firecracker. We swear - SWEAR - that she giggled in her sleep on Day 2 of her life. Laughter is her love language. It doesn't matter what is going on or how mad she is. If you crack a joke, she will laugh. She craves being upside down and is nearly always singing. Her life is a rock opera.

We started homeschooling recently, but we definitely don't have our act together. Most days I am wrestling with Wolf's stubborn will, trying to calm Sloth's tears over math, and trying to keep Monkey entertained!

I can't wait to entertain you all with our hilarious mishaps!

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